Action plan to suppress the grey economy 2019/20.

Measure 4.4 Optimization of administrative procedures influencing legal business operations
The optimization of the most common administrative procedure relevant for starting a business and for the conditions of operating within a sector.
The Action plan’s priority is the field of agriculture. In this sector, there is a problem with facilities working with food that operate without an approval, i.e. they are not registered in the registry of approved facilities managed by MAFWM, which is a pre-requisite for operating in the area of food production and placement. A similar problem is seen in the field of production and trade of alcoholic beverages and production of grapes and vine, with businesses not being included in relevant registries, which classifies them as non-registered entities. Namely, all of these entities can be considered operating in the shadow zone, without being aware of it, due to lack of knowledge about regulations and obligations to register in specific registries.
The solution for higher compliance and fair competition in this sector is seen in the optimization of procedures for registering or getting approval for those working with food, which would also enable efficient control through automated exchange of data among institutions.
Further on, there is a need to enable exchange of information about coffee producers between MAFWM and Tax Administration, in order to reduce possibility of illegal placement of products that do not comply with the product safety and excise goods requirements.
Activity Deadline Responsible institution Partners in realization
4.4.1 Performing a business analysis and functional specification for optimizing procedures for registration of entities operating with food in the BRA, in the MAFWM, (with possibility of including the process of approval as well), as well the registration with Tax Administration in case of coffee and spirits producers. Q4 2019 MAFWM
Ministry of Finance - TA
Ministry of Health
4.4.2 Amending regulations to enable implementation of analysis recommendations from item 4.4.1. Q1 2020 Ministry of Finance
4.4.3 Procurement and installing of software and hardware required for optimization of registries in the MAFWM and TAZ, related to the procedures referred to in item 4.4.1. Q2 2020 ITE
4.4.4 Testing the system and training public officers to use the system of optimized registration and approval of entities operating with food. Q2 2020 National Academy of Public Administration