Action plan to suppress the grey economy 2019/20.

Measure 2.3 eInvoices – Electronic exchange of invoices
Establishing reliable delivery of invoices in the system would enable higher legal certainty among the agreement parties, better realization of agreements, the development of factoring services and micro-financing of small businesses.
Activity Deadline Responsible institution Partners in realization
2.3.1 Performed analysis of business processes and analysis of effects on the budget and businesses, distinction of 2 phases: issuing eInvoices to state institutions and issuing eInvoices among businesses. Q3 2019 Ministry of Finance TA (for phase 2)
Treasury Administration (for phase 1)
2.3.2 Designing a functional and technical specification of hardware and software in line with the analysis from item 2.3.1 for the phase 1. Q3 2019 Ministry of Finance Treasury Administration
2.3.3 Designing a functional and technical specification of hardware and software in line with the analysis from item 2.3.1 for the phase 2. Q1 2020 Ministry of Finance /
2.3.4 Prescribing the manner and special conditions and standards for issuing and receiving electronic invoices within the unified system and mandatory form of eInvoice in line with the functional specification from item 2.3.3, for phase 1. Q3 2019 Ministry of Finance TA
Treasury Administration
2.3.5 Prescribing the manner and special conditions and standards for issuing and receiving electronic invoices within the unified system and mandatory form of eInvoice in line with the functional specification from item 2.3.3, for phase 2. Q1 2020 Ministry of Finance /
2.3.6 Purchasing the required hardware, software and licenses for establishing the eInvoice system, for phase 1. Q4 2019 Treasury Administration Ministry of Finance
2.3.7 Purchasing the required hardware, software and licenses for establishing the eInvoice system, for phase 2. Q2 2020 Ministry of Finance /
2.3.8 Training public officers to use the system (in a test environment) for phase 1. Q1 2020 and further continuously Treasury Administration Ministry of Finance /
2.3.9 Training public officers to use the system (in a test environment) for phase 2. Q3 2020 Ministry of Finance /
2.3.10 Define the SV and TV for the indicator. Q4 2019 Ministry of Finance /