Action plan to suppress the grey economy 2019/20.

Measure 1.7 Countering online advertising and sale of goods by non-registered entities
Organized countering of online advertising and sale of goods by non-registered entities, through search of online sale platforms, social networks and control via postal operators, for the purpose of identifying non-registered traders advertising the sale of excise products, copyright products, medicines and medical devices, as well as their prosecution.
Activity Deadline Responsible institution Partners in realization
1.7.1 Establishing a mechanism of quarterly monitoring the reporting on adopted Gantt charts of the working group for countering illicit trade. Q2 2019 MPALG
1.7.2 Organizing the work of the operational group from relevant institutions for implementing the Gantt chart for countering illicit trade online, which files reports on achieved results to the Coordination Commission for Inspection Oversight and the Coordination Body for Countering Shadow Economy. Q2 2019 МТТТ – Market Inspection Prosecutor’s Office for High Technology Criminal
(hereinafter Prosecutor’s Office for HTC)
Ministry of Interior
Sanitary inspection, Inspection for medicines and medical devices, Serbian Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices
1.7.3 Scanning the publicly available web portals, social networks and other e-platforms used by subjects to engage in advertising and illegal online sale for the specially designated products. Q3 2019 Ministry of Interior
Security Intelligence Agency
Market inspection
Prosecutor’s Office for HTC
1.7.4 Amending the Law on Postal Services to enable identification of both sender and receiver by post offices, upon insight in personal documents. Q2 2019 MTTT /
1.7.5 Define the SV and TV for the indicator. Q4 2019 МТТТ /