Action plan to suppress the grey economy 2019/20.

Measure 1.1 Establishing an information system e-Inspector for all inspections
The aim is to have all inspections using the same set of data and information about the supervised subject.
The establishing of e-Inspector will lead to the following results:
- Eased and more efficient work of inspectors
- Reduced number of field controls
- Businesses are no longer asked to provide the same set of data
- Better coordination of supervision visits
- The data of all inspections are used in risk analysis
- Developed records of entities subject to supervision, with designated risk used for planning the inspection visits.
Activity Deadline Responsible institution Partners in realization
1.1.1 Developed universal module for the needs of 4 pilot inspections and all inspectors from the pilot inspections trained for its use. Apr-19 MPALG
4 pilot inspections: market, Labor Inspectorate, administrative and sanitary inspection
1.1.2 22 inspections included in the e-Inspector system. Q2 2019 MPALG
22 inspections
1.1.3 Tax inspection system is linked with the e-Inspector system. Q1 2020 Tax Administration (hereinafter: TA)
1.1.4 Established records of all entities subject to inspection oversight by collecting data from the existing records, the inspectors enter data on new entities, successively. Q2 2019 MPALG
1.1.5 Developing an analysis for linking e-Inspector with the Customs Administration. Q4 2019 Customs administration
1.1.6 Linking e-Inspector with the Customs Administration. Q2 2019 Customs administration